Thursday, June 4, 2009

Daisy of Love Recap

There is a new Love show on VH1 called Daisy of Love. Daisy was a star on Rock of Love 2 with Bret Michaels and then when she was not choosen as Bret's Rock, VH1 offered her a show to find love herself.

The troubling part - it is very unlikely Daisy is going to find love. And I'm not saying this as a cynic, but rather because for the past 4 episodes, the men have left of their own volition. They cite reason after reason for not wanting to be with Daisy. The most recent failure was a contestant named "Cage".

Cage has "Fight or Die" tattooed on his neck. Cage has a temper. And Cage is - as his name suggests - a cage fighter. Cage became angry with one of the other contestants. Daisy heard about the fight and tried to consol him, to no avail. Cage then offered a BRILLIANT solution - he and the other contestant would take their mics off, go to the "bottom of the hill", and whoever comes back (definitely implication of ALIVE) gets to stay on the show. Instead of kicking Cage out immediately for being completely off his rocker, Daisy gave him the opportunity to stay or go. Even given her generosity for allowing someone with murderous thoughts to stay, Cage opted to leave.

My bet is on Big Rig to win it all.

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