Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!!!!

So the Pratts are back and better than ever! Heidi and Spencer (mostly Spencer) had a religious conversion, making last night's episode of IACGMOOH so much better.

So a recap: Heidi and Spencer joined the show. Heidi cried. Spencer and Heidi decided to leave. While driving to the airport, Heidi wonders if they are making the right decision. Here is a dramatic reinactment of that car ride:

Heidi: Spencer, I don't know if we are doing the right thing.
Spencer: Of course we are. We are super celebrities.
H: I'm going to pray about it *starts reading the bible aloud*
S: *starts "pouring water" and vomitting*
H: Are you okay, Spencer?
S: Yes, keep reading *vomits again*
As she keeps reading, Spencer jumps in the creek (what creek, you ask? I don't know, just part of the story folks)

Because of this, Speidi decide that the devil was pushing them away from Costa Rica and that they have to go back. They beg the show's producers to let them back on and they agree as long as they stay in a locked room for 1 night. The room is filled with spiders, snakes, cob webs, acorns, wind...etc. The couple survives and make it back to camp.

Because of Spencer's religious conversion, he doesn't "Spence out" when he gets angry anymore. Instead, he is calm. BTW: the religious conversion came after Stephan Baldwin baptized him in a river, so I totally trust it.

Heidi tells Sanjaya that she is on earth to serve god, help orphans, and hold babies. Her main goal is to go to Africa and build and orphanage. Sanjaya does not believe her. Heidi becomes sick in the jungle and throws up. Spencer is convinced that she is expelling demons from her body, so does not think that this is a problem until 2 days later she is still sick and they rush her to a hospital. She has a gastric ulcer, not demons - but reasonably, maybe they already were expelled.

So Speidi are again OFF the show and probably for good. Wednesday we will have a new cast member - Holly Montag

1 comment:

  1. WOW- I have got to watch this show! Throwing up demons, really?!
